Honors Business Association

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Good Food, Great Company: Company Dinner 2018

On October 17th, the Honors Business Association held its annual Company dinner at the ATT center on campus. The company dinner was HBA's first corporate event and representatives from BP, Dell, Southwest, HEB, Protiviti, PWC, UTIMCO, Credera, Walmart, EY, and Phillips 66 came to dine with over 30 students and talk about opportunities available and company culture.

The dinner allowed under and upperclassmen to learn more about not just the opportunities available at each company but what the company culture looks like and what recruiters look for in their employees. It commenced with a casual meet-up that allowed students to interact with all the company representatives present. Many representatives were graduates of the BHP program and got to share their experiences and advise with the attendees.  

Some representatives came or had project experience from other parts of the country and could advise students interested in pursuing careers out of Texas. Students and employees bonded over the amazing meal and great conversation. Overall, HBA peers sharpened their networking skills while relishing the appetizing food.